Senin, 28 Maret 2011
Know the whale shark is more closely in Nabire, Papua
Many consider the world's largest fish is the whale. Wrong. Even the whales are not fish. Whale sharks (whale shark, Rhincodon typus) is the world's largest fish species. This species can reach a length of 12.65 meters. Although still a family with a great white shark (great white shark), the famous vicious, whale shark behavior is the opposite.
With the size of a city bus, how it felt to swim and play with these fish in their habitat, the high seas?
In the northeast corner of Indonesia, precisely in the waters of Paradise Bay, Nabire, Papue, there is a location where the whale sharks often come to the surface. Uniquely, they appear around the chart (houseboat where to catch fish) that many berebaran around Cape Kwatisore, from the location of the nearest land a giant fish, it often appears.
When emerged, they often huddle up to sixes. These fish usually appears in the morning and afternoon while looking for food. Apparently, they were used to search for food around the chart. Moreover, managers often kind enough to chart 'feed' castle fish (small fish such as anchovy) that will not sell. Yes, in contrast to its size, the food giant fish are plankton and small fish.
Any unique way of eating. When viewing a collection of plankton or small fish, mouth wide open. Oral cavity wide, may be able to enter the four men. But do not look at all the teeth in it. That there is a series of filters to meet both sides of the oral cavity to filter plankton and small fish. They will perform this ritual meal many times. With a graceful movement (read: slow) is very nice to be close to these fish. Prepare the camera. No need to dive. Origin can hold your breath properly, we can take a position to capture the moment when this giant fish opened his mouth. However, be careful. Although not dangerous, rear fin flick could be a hard slap in the body.
To get to the place of emergence of these giant fish, we can hire fishing vessels around Beach MAF, Nabire. Not all boat owners know the location and met with the management chart. One of the well known ship owner is Mr. Gunter Yamban, one of the family Yamban Motorist who have a few ships.
That day, October 21, 2010, we visited the charts already too late. Had hoped anxiously, finally three whale sharks come to the surface. Approximately one half hour I played with this giant. Satisfied. That's my feeling. Swim and play with the giants is one of my goals of this trip to Papua.
When leaving the chart, a whale shark again rose to the surface. Invited back to play. Unfortunately we have to move immediately because it was already getting late. He was so hoping we go back down until the fins allowed to surface. That's when I noticed a sharp lateral incision in his upper body. According to Mr. Nasrullah, one of the managers chart, the fish was indeed too good to sometimes think the ship as a human. Be the thick skin they etched or cut the tip or boat propellers.
Sadness. Animals are so great and so friendly but once threatened his life. Fortunately, Mr. Gunter had turned off the engine, before approaching and after some distance from the chart. At least, that's what we could do to let the biggest fish in the world is still comfortable in their habitat.
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