Like with surfing, the island of Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara is a remote but beautiful place to surf.
Located east of the more famous island of Lombok, Sumbawa waiting to be discovered by you. Maybe it will take longer to reach this island but when you set foot in Sumbawa, fatigue you will be rewarded with a surf and incredible scenery.
The island is famous for its waves, sandy beaches and wild terrain. With the best surf and spectacular coral reefs, most travelers came to Sumbawa to surfing and diving.
Slogan Sumbawa will provide information you need to know about this island. BESAR(BIG)stands for Bersih, Elok, Sehat, Aman, Rapi(Clean, Elegant, Healthy, Safe, Neat.)
Because of Sumbawa is a destination country so do not have the tourism infrastructure such as the Lombok and Bali. Visit this place if you like adventure and want to experience a truly authentic to the local culture.
The rate of life on Sumbawa including slow. Local communities are predominantly Muslim but beliefs and traditional rituals still continue to affect the daily lives of its inhabitants.
There are two main cultural groups in Sumbawa, Tau Samawa in the west and east Mbojo Dou. At the Sumbawa, traditional ways of life still continues to this day. Many of the ritual with the old ways are still performed like a buffalo racing and boxing matches in the ritual berempuk
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